Thursday, September 2, 2010


It is a hard truth about raising animals that sometimes, even with the best of everything, bad things happen.  The animals can have a lot of love, good food, clean environments and still get hurt or sick. 

Two days ago, as we let the bunnies out to hop about for a little bit, we noticed that there was something wrong with Storm.  She was bopping around just fine, and didn't seem to be in pain, but when Adam picked her up to put her back in, there was something wrong with her "girly" parts.  She was red, swollen, bleeding and things were definately not right. 

Yesterday we took both girls into the vet and found that Storm had somehow managed to tear the skin in that area.  Even the vet was stumped.  We don't know whether she had an accident with her sister (bunny nails are very sharp and the girls like to sleep in a dog pile) or maybe got caught on some of the mesh wiring in her cage.  Either way, we had a pretty hurt bunny on our hands.   The biggest concern right now is fly strike, since flies like to lay eggs in open wounds so we wanted her in the cleanest possible place to make sure that didn't happen.  Luckily, our house has a mud room is never used so the room was thoroughly cleaned and made bunny friendly.  The girls now have the run of the room so Storm has room to spread out and rest.  We were also given antibiotics and pain medicine to keep her comfortable while she heals. 

The good news is that this morning she seems to be responding really well to the medicine.  She's up and hopping around the room with Nim and the area is much less red and irritated.  Nimbus is also taking good care of her sister, and I'm sure her company helps.  We're hopeful that she'll keep improving and keeping our fingers crossed.


  1. poor baby! Hoping for a speedy bunny recovery!

  2. Aww. Poor thing. I hope she heals well and quickly!
