Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

So I was all ready to go to work today, when I rolled out onto the porch and saw this:

That would be my ramp coated in ice.  (That would also be a newfie looking suspiciously at the ice)

As this plans to keep up all day, not only am I home bound but also totally house bound (no visiting the animals for me) so here are some warmer and fuzzier things to brighten your day.

1.   A few weeks Adam discovered that Nutsy, our female turkey, had taken over one of the hens' nests and was trying (unsuccessfully) to hatch baby turkeys out of chicken eggs.  Thankfully, she's now started to lay eggs of her own.  I have to say I was kind of shocked at how much bigger turkey eggs are than the chicken eggs.

In other news, the chickens have turned into a small egg laying factory and we're averaging about five eggs a day.  A DAY.  We really need some good egg recipes.

Homemade egg pasta rocks, by the way.  And uses five eggs per batch.

2.  The bunny girls all got groomed yesterday, so Adam took a few bunny pictures as they were hopping around the house.

3.  Saturday we visited the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg.  This is a yearly tradition for us and some of our friends.  It's pretty amazing to see all the animals and the crafts and the vendors- and the food.  Adam would want me to remind you about the food.  We didn't take any pictures, but there are some really great ones on the Farm Show website, so check them out and if you get the chance to go, please do.  It's wonderful to see so many different ways agriculture is thriving in this day and age.

4.  A few weeks ago, the Damascus Township Sewage Enforcement Officer turned to the Department of Environmental Protection to help come up with a water plan for the fiber mill.  This morning I heard from our DEP officer and had a lovely conversation that I'm hoping will continue to move things along!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Yaks in the snow

For the first time this winter, we're actually getting real snow.  Enough that snow shoveling is inevitable, the sheep are hunkered down, the chickens refuse to leave the barn and the yaks are having their heyday. 

The yaks are really in their element when the weather gets cold, so we're expecting a day full of yak zoomies and mock fights.  Not a bad way to spend a Friday.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Great Naming

So we finally settled on names for sheep.  This took a shamefully long time.  Really, I think it's a sign that Adam and I probably shouldn't have children, as they would be halfway through grade school before we could agree on what to call them. 
But anway. 

This is Dutchess, who is the biggest CVM we have.  She's also In Charge of the flock.

Contessa.  We love the half moon on her nose. 

Princess, the sweetest girl.

Milady, our quietest girl.  She's the most shy of the bunch.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's pictures

Happy New Year from Skirted Fleece!







Sweet Pea