Thursday, December 16, 2010


I'm going to endeavor to finally, finally, get the pictures of the new sheep up.  I feel so bad, because they've been with us since Saturday but I just haven't had a moment or a good enough internet connection to make this work.  So, presenting, the new sheep!

The girls have settled in really nicely and are so mellow that they come up and give Adam sheepy kisses.  It's amazing how mellow they are, especially after moving while pregnant (hopefully!) and in the cold nasty weather we've been having. 

They're housed in the barn with Fathead, The Nose and Sweet Pea, who are a bit awed by the much bigger CVMs.  These girls eat like horses; it's crazy. 

The only thing is that we haven't named them.  Adam has come up with some and I've come up with some, but we can't agree.  For the record, I want to name them after X-men (they are, after all, mutants). 
So what these ladies need are names for Christmas. 
Which gives us about a week to find something we can agree on!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Egg

Unfortunately, whoever laid this was a little confused as to proper egg laying procedure and we found it frozen outside the barn.  But our first egg regardless!